Damages Direct is a team of specialists formed in order to defend the rights of people involved in accidents and to obtain the compensation they deserve.
In the Direct Damages system, a success fee is charged, in the form of a percentage of the amount collected, established from the very beginning.
No advance payments or other hidden fees! !
How does it work?
What else does the RCA policy compensate?
For personal injury:
- the expenses occasioned by the accident (transport, treatment, hospitalization, recovery, prostheses, etc. according to the medical prescriptions, proven with supporting documents);
- income that a person can no longer obtain during hospitalization and medical leave;
- expenses with carers during the incapacity for work, if this is recommended by the medical certificate;
- moral damages.
For death due to a car accident, the following will be considered:
- the expenses with the transport of the deceased person, the embalming expenses, the funeral expenses, including those for the tombstone, the expenses for the performance of the religious rituals;
- moral damages (will be awarded to family members: spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents).