Continuous professional training for insurance brokers

The training programs are carried out according to the legal requirements provided by the Norms of continuous professional training in the field of insurance and private pensions issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority.


150 lei (price includes VAT)

Note: The investment does not include the examination or re-examination fee at the Institute of Financial Studies. Discounts do not accumulate. The largest discount offered will be taken into account.

Who is it for?

Insurance agents for individuals and legal entities; subagents; insurance / reinsurance brokers; individual brokerage assistants; the own personnel of the insurance and / or reinsurance broker, which has as main service attribution the intermediation of the insurance and / or reinsurance contracts; employees of insurance companies involved in the activity of distribution of insurance products;

  • students can plan the most convenient learning program, being able to access the courses from any location and from any terminal with internet access;
  • each student has between 6-20 days of study on the e-learning platform;
    each student can test their knowledge and can simulate the ISF / ASF graduation exam with the help of the course tests, which include over 1250 questions;
  • the student can follow his progress in real time and the marks obtained in the tests;
  • collection, verification and transmission of examination files for certification to ISF / ASF;
  • free issuance of the certificate of completion of the qualification program and / or professional training in the insurance field, if the conditions regarding the number of hours required by the CSA norms (current ASF) are met;
  • registration for ISF / ASF exams and, as the case may be, for re-examinations;
  • taking over from ISF / ASF and sending the ISF / ASF graduation certificates to the Beneficiary, with payment at the destination of the beneficiary.

Increasing the level of knowledge of the legislative framework of the development of insurance and insurance intermediation activities, including the one related to consumer protection, protection of personal data and prevention and combating money laundering.

Improving the level of knowledge on:

  • the principles of the insurance activity;
  • life insurance products;
  • general insurance products;
  • insurance market;
  • specialized institutions;

In order to be scheduled for the ISF exam, the following conditions must be met:

  • performing at least 20 hours on the e-learning platform
  • complete lessons (parts of theory and tests)

The graduation certificate is obtained after taking the exam according to the ISF procedure. For details press access Evaluations section

For details on scheduling exams, access the ISF website section Evaluations and select the type of exam for which the registration was made on the e-learning platform (CPA, CPExB, PCA, PCExB).

For details on the examination fee and the issuance of the graduation certificate, access the ISF website Valuations and Fees sections

The course can register the persons registered, according to the law, in the Register of insurance and / or reinsurance intermediaries on the date of entry into force of the Norms regarding the professional qualification and continuous training of the persons working in the field of insurance products distribution.

  • Basic elements of the legislation specific to insurance activities and insurance intermediation – 4 hours
  • Principles of insurance activity and presentation of types of general and life insurance – 11 hours
  • General principles regarding the techniques of sale and negotiation of insurance products and those regarding insurance ethics – 3 hours
  • Insured protection, personal data protection, prevention and combating money laundering and terrorist financing – 2 hours
  • Bennet,C.–Dictionary of Insurance, Pitman Publishing, London, 1996.
  • Bistriceanu, Gheorghe,D.- Asigurari si Reasigurari in Romania, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti, 2006.
  • Constantinescu , Dan, Anghel – Tratat de Asigurari, vol I-II, Editura Economica, Bucuresti, 2004.
  • Couilbault, François, Eliashberg, Constant, Les grandes principes de l’asurance, L’Argus, Paris, 2003.
  • Dobrin, Marinica, Tanasescu, Paul – Teoria si Practica Asigurarilor, editia aIIa, Editura Economica, Bucuresti, 2003.
  • Gordon, Alan – Risk and the Business Environment, Whiterby&Co Ltd, London, 1992.
  • Iliescu, C – Contractele de Asigurari de Bunuri în Romania, Editura AllBeck, Bucuresti, 1999.
  • The Chartered Insurance Institute – Packaged Commercial Insurances IF8, CII, London, 2013
  • Vacarel,I., Bercea, F., Asigurari si Reasigurari, editia aIVa, Editura Expert, Bucuresti, 2007.
  • Legea nr. 136/1995 privind asigurarile si reasigurarile în Romania, Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I, nr. 303/29.12.1995, Bucuresti.
  • Legea nr. 32/2000 privind societatile de asigurare si supraveghere a asigurarilor, Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I, nr. 148 din 10 aprilie, cu modificarile ?i completarile ulterioare
  • Norma nr.1/2016 pentru modificarea si completarea Normei Autoritatii de Supraveghere Financiara nr. 23/2014 privind asigurarea obligatorie de raspundere civila pentru prejudicii produse prin accidente de vehicule, Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I, nr. 50/ 22.01. 2016